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Cat Anxiety After T...

Cat Anxiety After Tornado

Joined: 1 month ago
Posts: 1
01/06/2024 1:30 pm
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My son and I have an almost 2 yr old that we've had since we rescued her from a box when she was barely weaned. She's always been the perfect mix of personalities-independent streak some days, then cuddly the next. She's completely indoors, and we've never really limited her access to us. When we do, she seems to understand that it's temporary, and goes off and plays with her toys.

Then, about a week ago, our town was hit with an F3 tornado. There was minimal damage to our apartment complex-few limbs down, etc-but the next block over was hit very hard, as were multiple areas of town. She was snuggled with us as the sirens went off, and is slowly enjoying the window sills again-these are usually her favorite spots. But, she is EXTREMELY clingy. Our work routines haven't changed, and anytime there's even a trace of a storm, it's worse. Is she picking up on our leftover anxiety, or is she suffering her own? How can we help her regain her confidence?

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Joined: 4 years ago
Posts: 57
03/06/2024 12:35 am

@chattersmom I'm sorry to hear about the recent F3 tornado. I'm glad you and your family are safe.

Yes, she is picking up on your leftover anxiety and suffering on her own, hence the clingy behavior.

Here are a few things you can do to help her regain her confidence:

- Create a safe place where she can hide when anxious (e.g., place a bed or cuddler in the wardrobe).
- Keep the routine as is and try to alleviate your anxiety with positive affirmations. You can also practice cat affirmations.
- Play classical or harp music at a low volume in the background to keep the environment calm (this is also helpful during storms).
- Plug in a Feliway diffuser and spray Feliway on her blankets or bedding.
- Introduce olfactory enrichment like Silver vine/Matatabi sticks ( and puzzle feeders to occupy her mind.
- Once she is calm and not clingy, you can start sound desensitization to storms. You can do this by playing these videos: or find a few YouTube videos. Start with low volume and gradually increase it as she gets more comfortable while you play with her favortie toys.
- A thunder shirt might be helpful if the anxiety is extreme.
- Lastly, if she starts displaying severe separation anxiety, it’s worth consulting your veterinarian. They may suggest anti-anxiety supplements or medication.

I am sending positive vibes to you all.

All the best,